6 Tips for Managing Your Hormonal Health As You Age

As you grow older, it is wise to be aware of the signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalances taking place in your body

senior man working out in the gym

As we age, there are lots of natural changes that happen in our body. Without proper knowledge about your hormonal health, you might find it overwhelming to deal with any imbalances. It’s wise to be aware of the signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalances as you get older. Here are six tips to help you manage your hormonal health as you age.

6 Tips for Managing Your Hormonal Health As You Age

1. Do the research

The more you know, the better prepared you can be. Hormones come from the endocrine glands and travel all around the body performing and influencing vital functions, including:

  • How your appetite feels
  • Your sleep pattern
  • Mood regulation
  • Sexual function
  • Body temperature
  • Development (hair growth, skin condition, brain functions, etc)

If an imbalance occurs, any one of these important roles can be compromised. While a lot of these changes cannot be prevented, as they are inevitable as time ticks on, they can be proactively managed and understood. Researching can be as small as browsing through a few online articles for a little bit of background insight all the way to engaging with medical studies and speaking with your doctor about typical happenings for your demographic.

2. Listen to your body

When you start to notice subtle shifts or major changes, make sure you’re paying attention. Plenty of hormonal changes are perfectly normal but a few may be an indication that something else is going on in your physical health. When you cross a certain age and notice that hormonal changes are kicking in, you will already be well in tune with what is normal for you and what isn’t. When in doubt, consult your physician.

3. Supplements are supportive

Your doctor will be able to advise you on various supplements that are able to provide specific support for hormonal imbalances due to ageing. There are specific supplements for hormonal health of men and women. Ultimately it’s all about finding the right balance.

4. Focus on your sleep regimen

If your sleep is not right, nothing else will function properly. Sleep plays a big role in regulating, and therefore, balancing hormones. It can also be negatively impacted by too much or too little hormones. Sleep disorders can affect many hormones. Insulin and cortisol are two examples of important hormones that can be thrown out of balance with poor sleep patterns.

5. Exercise

Exercising is an amazing tool for nurturing all the organic bodily processes. Given that hormones can be negatively impacted by excessive weight gain, and that physical movement positively influences the hormone receptors, it seems like a package deal. Focus attention on strength-building exercises and aerobics or simply increase the amount which you walk around. These are all ways to decrease the likelihood of an insulin imbalance, which can lead to conditions such as diabetes. Diabetes is linked to being overweight and sugar intake (deemed as the wrong type of food). So exercise plays a role here by enabling the body to be healthier in general.

6. Eat right

Observing what you eat and when you are eating it is useful while assessing your hormonal health. Hormones are better supported by a diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and low sugar. When you are in your 50s, it is recommended that you have protein at least once a day in your main meal. Focusing on eating right can help with balancing:

Nourishing your body with nutritious foods also improves your sleeping patterns and overall concentration.

The takeaway

Managing hormonal health as we age doesn’t need to be a major challenge. There are plenty of ways to tackle an imbalance, and it’s all about learning to listen to your body and do what is needed.

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