5 ways nasal congestion can affect your productivity

Symptoms of nasal congestion often make it difficult to carry out your daily tasks and make you feel exhausted overall

Nasal congestion causes poor productivity | concept of poor productivity

If our eyes are windows of the soul, what does our nose represents? If you’re thinking that it represents our sense of smell, then you got it right. Many people take it for granted until they experience nasal discomfort.

Nasal congestion, sometimes known as ‘stuffy nose’ is a condition in which the movement of air is obstructed. Runny nose, on the other hand, refers to fluid from the nasal passages. Inflammation and edema of the lining tissues of the nasal passages and sinuses are the most prevalent causes of nasal congestion.

You might want to try some of the home remedies and foods for sinus infection before going to the doctor for nasal congestion. It’ll assist in alleviating your nasal pain. Below are some tips:

  • Drink more water
  • Apply warm compress on the face
  • Consume spicy foods
  • Add more ginger and garlic to your diet
  • Improve your probiotic intake
  • Eat more pineapple
  • Use nasal spray
  • Steam inhalation

Causes of nasal congestion

Nasal congestion develops when blood vessels dilate and swell due to irritation. These arteries and tissues can expand and clog the nose, causing it to feel stuffy or clogged. A runny nose can also be caused by nasal congestion.

Sinus discomfort is frequently associated with nasal congestion. It can occur when the air pressure in the sinus cavities and the blood vessels draining the sinuses change. When you have a cold, you typically experience a clogged nose as well as sinus discomfort.

Nasal congestion causes include:


The germs that cause the common cold or flu frequently enter the body through the nose. They proliferate inside the lining of your nasal passages once they get there. The body’s reaction to the infection causes inflammation, which causes nasal congestion.


If you experience certain allergies, you may find that your nose is frequently stuffy. Certain triggers, such as dust, pollen, and pet dander, can cause an allergic response, which causes swelling of your nasal tissues and leads to nasal congestion.

Symptoms of nasal congestion

When your nose is congested, it might be difficult to breathe. The inflammation causes enlarged nasal passages, which restrict airflow and make it difficult to breathe through your nose. Because the inflammation and swelling make it difficult to get mucus out of your nose, you may have a mucus buildup as well. It makes you feel congested, which is why it’s also known as a stuffy nose.

Other cold symptoms, such as a runny nose or a headache, may accompany the congested feeling. These symptoms might make it difficult to carry out your daily tasks and make you feel exhausted overall.

Man suffering from extreme nasal congestion on bed with tissues

Nasal congestion and your productivity

Below are some of the ways nasal congestion can affect your productivity:

Sluggishness due to lack of sleep

The difficulty of breathing and inability to relax due to a clogged nose may sometimes lead to poor sleep quality. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll become burned out, make more mistakes, and jeopardize your health. Sleep deprivation also affects your decision-making, capacity to develop long-term memories, and productivity.

Lack of focus and attention to detail

Discomfort caused by nasal congestion can often lead to a lack of focus. The first thing you should realize is that your attention, or your capacity to stay concentrated on intellectual or creative activity, is a limited and finite resource.

So, after a lengthy period of concentration, you need a shorter period of unfocused activity or a period of rest so that its starting capacity may be regained (like a battery that needs to be recharged).

Lack of drive to finish a task

Just when you thought you can finish up a task, your nose gets congested which may lead to sinus pain, headache, and fever. Your level of motivation suddenly drops as soon as you realize that this situation can go on for days.

In the book Discovering Psychology, the authors highlight three key components of motivation:

  • Activation: The choice to do a certain action, such as writing a screenplay or enrolling in a class.
  • Persistence: Making an ongoing attempt to attain a goal despite challenges or impediments.
  • Intensity: The amount of focus and effort expended to achieve a given goal.

All three of these elements are required to complete tasks. You’ll never undertake new chores or pursue new goals until you are activated. Without persistence, you’ll abandon your aims as soon as you face opposition. Without intensity, you’ll make little or no progress toward your objectives.

All three components are present when you are properly driven. You are eager to take action, to keep working on your goals even when things get difficult, and to put in a high degree of effort in whatever you do.

Lack of excitement

Self-pity sometimes surfaces especially if you’re sick most of the time. Seeing your colleagues in high spirits while working can affect your emotions. As much as you’d like to match their enthusiasm, nasal congestion gets in the way.

Feeling in command of your job is critical to your productivity. According to findings, those who have a strong sense of control over their job are more likely to complete their responsibilities on time. Identifying your emotion emotions is fantastic, it allows you to reassess your goals. What role do these emotions play in your productivity?

This is when the emotions of Valence, Arousal, and Dominance come into play. The existence of pleasant or negative emotions is represented by valence. Arousal is the intensity of an emotion, such as enthusiasm or worry. Dominance denotes a sense of control over oneself and one’s job.

Lack of optimism

Employees that are more optimistic in the workplace are healthier, more engaged, and more productive. They are more inclined to adhere to a selected route despite obstacles because they trust in its success. When things don’t go as planned, they’re less inclined to quit and more likely to take a different path to achievement. This is because optimists, above all, are less inclined to second-guess themselves.

An optimistic attitude is inextricably linked with the belief that their decisions and overall direction are correct. That may be taken too far, but at its heart, it’s an essential component of any individual’s ability to develop and survive in difficult environments.

Being positive about one’s circumstances is essential for enjoying wellbeing. And when you’re not feeling well, to get the job done, you often refuse to accept that fact and go on with your job.

When you constantly deny your vulnerabilities, especially your physical wellbeing, your body keeps on adjusting until it can no longer sustain the momentum. Pain and discomfort take over until you’re forced to accept the fact that you need to rest. That sudden shift of momentum and emotions can decline your positivity.


Although nasal congestion is usually caused by a normal cold or a sinus infection, it seldom causes serious health complications. When treated properly, symptoms normally improve immediately. It’s always best to consult your doctor to get the right medications.

A healthy lifestyle helps to keep your immunity strong. You can start by running or doing some exercises. You can also begin shifting to a robust diet by adding more vegetables and probiotics. Always remember that prevention is better than cure.

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CW Staff writers are part of the research and editorial team at Complete Wellbeing. Every staff writer works under the guidance of the editor and seeks special inputs from our empaneled experts, whenever needed.


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