The Chopra Centre Cookbook: Nourishing Body & Soul by Deepak Chopra et al.

Deepak Chopra and his co-authors at the Chopra Centre believe that food not only nourishes our body but also our souls, because they are all different forms of energy.

By Deepak Chopra with David Simon and Leanne Backer

Published byHay House Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd

Pages: 322

Price: 350

ISBN: 9788189988890

Everything in this universe is nothing but energy. Your body, your thoughts, the trees, the animals and even the food you eat. And there is interplay of energies as each element of the universe interacts with the other. So when you eat a certain food, the energy of your food, affects your energy and directly impacts your emotional, physical and spiritual health [whether it will make a positive affect or negative, depends really on the kind of food you are eating and the way you are eating it].

Deepak Chopra and his co-authors at the Chopra Centre believe that food not only nourishes our body but also our souls, because they are all different forms of energy. They believe that food contains energy and information and that our entire body is made of food, reinforcing that we are what we eat. In addition to suggesting a conscious approach to nourishment, the book also prescribes a 30-day nutritional plan—healthy options for breakfast, a main meal and a light meal for each day of the month. They also share recipes of the meal options they suggest. Although this book contains healthy, energising recipes, it is more than a just a recipe book—it is a guide that tells you how to nourish not just your body but your entire being.

Shiv Joshi
Shiv Joshi is a seeker of inner treasures. He loves the printed word and has a knack to pick up languages.


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