NLP: Rethink your way to success

Learn how NLP can direct all your experiences towards excellence

In NLP terms, we call this a Presupposition or something that we always assume is present and correct. One such Presupposition is ‘everybody has his or her own model of the world’.

In psychotherapy, NLP comes under the Brief Psychotherapy, which is described as ‘Problem Driven Solution Orientated’ therapy. That’s becuase it does not dwell on the past or the possible causes of a problem but instead focuses on working out a solution for the problem at hand.

In business situations, NLP concentrates on finding the differentiating factor that will change our regular way of working or understanding. This takes us back to one of the basic principles of NLP—Modelling i.e. if one person can do it, then other people can certainly learn how to do it. Therefore, by studying people who are good at what they do, you can transfer the same positive skills to yourself to enhance your own ability. Modelling is not just copying, as copying will only give you the basic idea of the task. Modelling involves looking deeper into ‘how’ somebody does something. NLP techniques help investigate the way the subconscious operates and achieves the excellence required. These subconscious steps are, by the very nature of things, totally unknown to the person being modelled.

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The science and art of NLP has created many such techniques to see and understand how other human beings think. Thinking is a core human activity that differentiates us from other animals and thinking is the basis of everything we do. NLP is akin to neurology, in that various methods are used to discover how people think and how they arrive at conclusions that turn into actions. The logic is that if you are not succeeding in your work or play, it is largely due to the way you are thinking. Therefore, understanding the mechanics of thinking will help you change your thoughts and provide you with the tools for a better life.

Let us take a closer look at a common problem experienced by many people. So many of us are paralysed by a past problem that prevents any movement forward. The human concept of time is a man-made device to explain and understand the movements of the sun, moon and earth. In the mind or the brain, time as we know it ceases to exist. An incident in the past can feel like it happened today. Using this belief, NLP tackles all problems of the past as if they exist in the present. In theory, you rewrite your own history with the help of various NLP techniques. For example, during a session of NLP, you may be asked to address a past problem and think of another, better way in which you could have tackled the situation that would have resulted in a different outcome. As you re-live your thought process and emotions of the past, you begin to resolve the problem in the present. When the problem is solved, your negative thoughts and feelings are removed and cease to have an impression on your present and your future.

How to master your mind

NLP has many such techniques and processes that enable you to change your thinking and thus enhance your life. There are two main ways that a person can benefit from NLP processes. One way is to seek out an NLP practitioner and take a few sessions to help change your way of thinking. A good place to start with the website of the governing organisation in India. Here you will find a list of NLP practitioners in your area.

Another option is to do a course in NLP—an entry-level course is known as an NLP Practitioner Programme and typically runs for about five days on a full-time basis. NLP training is generally divided into two parts—the theory and the actual practice of techniques that are powerful enough to push you towards a newer, more empowering direction. A simple Google search for NLP courses will give you list of teachers and institutes offering such programmes all over India.

This has been a very brief look at the science and art that is called NLP. I refer to this amazing mental tool as an ‘open source software for the brain,’ for once you have mastered the techniques and processes; there is almost nothing beyond your reach!

NLP—A brief overview

Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is a relatively new science of the mind that originated in the 1970s in California, USA. First developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, this technique was subsequently enhanced and added to by many others. The term can be explained by understanding each word of the acronym NLP—Neuro [N] applies to the neurotransmitters in the brain and the process in which they communicate within the body and mind. Linguistic [L] refers to the way the neurons communicate internally and in turn affect our external interactions with other people and things. Programming [P] refers to the ‘programmes’ that play in the mind, mostly without any conscious awareness. To sum it up, Neuro Linguistic Programming [NLP] is the user’s manual for the brain.

This was first published in the April 2013 issue of Complete Wellbeing.

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David Lincoln
David Lincoln, B. Sc., MD, is a master trainer of NLP, a trained clinical psychologist and Naturopathic doctor with over forty years of experience of working with people at all levels. He has been living in India since 2005.


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