I understood the power of God and the meaning of the phrase, “Faith can move mountains,” through a real life experience – my aunt and her undeterred faith in God.
My aunt was expecting her first child. During the third month of her pregnancy, she had to travel to another town for her niece’s wedding.
Just before coming back home, my aunt visited a temple known for its great powers and prayed for her unborn child. A few guests returned with her and stayed over for a few days. During this time, one of the guest’s little daughter perched herself up dangerously on the balcony. In an attempt to save her from a serious fall, my auntie pulled and picked up the heavy three-year-old. Later, the girl’s mother, on hearing her daughter’s narrow escape from a bad fall, thanked my aunt profusely. The guests left that evening.
By late evening auntie started suffering from serious abdominal pain and discomfort which increased so much that she had to go and see the doctor, the following morning. After examining her, the doctor informed my aunt and uncle that she was going to abort, any time soon. This came as a rude shock to the couple. They begged the doctor to do everything in her power to save the baby. However, the doctor said that nothing could be done now, and a miscarriage was imminent.
Sad and worried, uncle and auntie came back home. Their neighbour, an elderly and kind lady, came to find out what the doctor said. Auntie told her the worrying news and, in an emotional state, she stated that she was willing to do anything to save her baby. All she now wanted was her baby to survive. She was even willing to have a weak child.
The neighbour asked her not to worry and take rest. In the meantime, the kind neighbour got together a few people and raised one side of my aunt’s bed by putting bricks under it. Then, she asked her to lie down with her feet on the raised side of the bed. My aunt did as she was told and started praying to God to save her child.
The neighbour took over the responsibility of taking care of my aunt’s needs while her daughter looked after the running of the house, cooking etc., At first, my aunt became worse, but this did not stop her from fighting for her child. Nothing could come between her will power and her unfaltering faith in God.
At last, after staying in bed for a month, aunt started recovering and getting stronger day-by-day. Soon enough, she was able to take care of her household chores and started leading a near-normal but careful life. Throughout the next six months, she kept praying to God to save her baby and give her a good life.
The miracle baby came to the world, and though weak and tiny, she had her mother’s will power and faith shining in her eyes. Today, my cousin is a strong, charming and successful woman. She is 27 and she continues to marvel at her birth and life.
It’s my strong feeling and conviction that she was saved only by my aunt’s complete faith and trust in God. If this isn’t true inspiration for each one of us to believe in the power of God, faith and destiny, what is?
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