Home 2014 August

Monthly Archives: August 2014


September 2014 issue: Genius at work

Best-selling author of What’s Your Genius?, Niblick reveals why most people find it difficult to recognise the gift they were born with

12 surprisingly simple ideas for a blissful marriage

Simple ideas for long-lasting marriages. Plus, a checklist for couples to help them keep their relationship intact

Entrepreneurship: Should I…should I not?

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? Pernilla Hjort offers tips to help you make that all-important decision

What happens in the mind as we focus on breath and sensations in the body?

Renowned neuroscientist Catherine Kerr speaks about the benefits of mindfulness meditation for both mind and body.

The cosmic ocean

You are not, the universal is—and it is waving through you.

Living with dignity in old age

Incontinence in the elderly needs to be tackled with an open mind

The cup that gets you up!

Rain or shine, old or young—tea is the irreplaceable favourite beverage

Smells like Mumbai

Charishma Thankappan recounts how Mumbai came vividly alive through its smell

The art of optimism

Bryna Kranzler explores the mechanisms of optimism

Sowing the benefits of Falun Dafa

Falun Dafa is a ‘cultivation practice’ by which you can be disease-free and lead a full life says Suren Rao