Home 2016


Woman holding a baby above head; adopted

Are you ready to bring home your adopted baby?

Planning to adopt a baby? Here are a few things you need to keep in mind before taking this happy step
Small girl sitting with school back looking down / victim of bullying

The sensible thing to do if your child is being bullied

Children who are repeatedly bullied may experience severe emotional trauma that can erode their self-esteem and impair mental health
Mother fed up of teenage son

What to do when your teen breaks your trust

It's common for teens to lie to their parents or want more privacy from them. It does not have to mean the end of the world for you
Teenager and woman hugging each other

7 ways to help your teenager survive and thrive

A counsellor shows you how to navigate the tricky waters of dealing with your teenager
small girl frowning at food

Should you talk to your child about his weight?

Teaching your child how to eat right is a delicate issue. Dina Rose shares what you should and shouldn’t do
kids shoes

Why you absolutely must raise your child sans gender bias

Raising your kids in an atmosphere free of any gender-bias will help them grow to their best potential

9 tips to deal with the growing privacy needs of your teen

Has your teen’s need for seclusion got you worried? It is a normal phase of growing up, says Mandy Kloppers as she suggests you give in to their need for privacy

Social anxiety in your child could be much more than just shyness

Every child is introverted or self-conscious to some extent; but social anxiety is a condition of excessive insecurity that goes beyond common shyness

Parenting styles: Are you raising them right?

Hailed as the toughest job on our planet, parenting is also the most rewarding. But some parenting styles harm the child more than they help. Here are four common mistakes many moms and dads make while raising their children

“I am a special mother”

Nothing can prepare you for motherhood, least of all a special child. But as with all things in life, you learn along the way