The guilt-free, gluten-free, vegan pizza

This cheese-free vegan pizza tastes just as good as the regular variety

square pizza with tomato onion topping, vegan

I absolutely love pizza, but had already had too many recently. So overcome with guilt but still craving some more pizza, I got my creative juices flowing and that lead to the invention of this pizza. It’s as tasty as it looks and no less than any other pizza.

It’s gluten free because I do not use any flour to make the pizza base. It is made with boiled potatoes. This is a no-cheese pizza but you could top it with some vegan cheese.

So here’s how you make it…

Serves 2


  • Potatoes – 3 large size
  • Onions – 2 medium size
  • Tomatoes – 1 garden fresh medium size
  • Basil – a handful leaves
  • Oregano – to sprinkle on top [optional]
  • Chili Flakes – 2 tsp
  • Garlic – Dry powder to sprinkle on top [also optional]
  • Lemon – to sprinkle on top [Optional. I just love lemon, I think it makes everything taste even better and plus why should one say no to Vitamin C – the immunity booster]
  • Sesame Seeds – Black and White [optional, to garnish]
  • Turmeric – 1/2 tsp [this is not for flavour but for the health benefits – it’s a great blood purifier and I try to add it in small quantities to everything]
  • Olive oil – 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste

Preparation Method

Pizza base

  1. No-guilt-pizza-thats-vegan-and-gluten-free-1Peel and chop the potatoes into large to medium size pieces. Then boil them. If you peel them and boil it’s a lot faster. Plus after its boiled you should rinse and dry them a bit to remove the extra starch (making it more guilt-free).
  2. Chop an onion finely.
  3. Mix the onions, potatoes, turmeric, 1 tsp of chili flakes and salt to taste. Mash everything together.
  4. Lay baking paper in an oven plate and lightly grease it with 1/2 tsp olive oil.
  5. Lightly pat the mashed mixture into a think pizza base like shape and size.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 deg Celsius. Put the base in the oven and bake it for 10-12 mins until it has turned lightly crispy to a beautiful golden brown color.

Pizza Toppings

  1. No-guilt-pizza-thats-vegan-and-gluten-free-2While the base is getting baked, chop the onions and tomatoes. Wash the basil leaves.
  2. Take the base out of the oven. Top it with tomatoes and onions. Bake it for another 5-6 mins in the oven at 180 deg Celsius.
  3. Take the pizza out and sprinkle with lemon (freshly squeezed), sesame seeds, salt, chili flakes, garlic powder and oregano. Top with fresh basil leaves.

Voila, your nice-and-crispy pizza is ready to eat! Feel free to experiment. Choose your favorite toppings such as jalapenos, olives, corn, paprika, pineapples or whatever is available in your kitchen to make this into your perfect guilt-free pizza.

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  1. Never thought one could make pizza Gluten free !! Well done Mukti, we will be trying this at home soon. Keep posting such healthy recipes ????

  2. Grt pizza for the vegetarians and people allergic to wheat and dairy products. A v diff recipe for pizza?


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