Thinking Aloud By Priya Kumar

With this book, Priya Kumar has thought aloud for all of us—it is up to us to listen.

A wealth of inspiration and wisdom


Published by: Embassy Books

ISBN: 9789381860380

Pages: 120

Price: INR 195

I enjoyed reading Priya Kumar’s I Am Another You and License to Live. I quite like her storytelling skills and her ability to weave philosophy and wisdom through the narration, without compromising on the pace of the story. Now, I have a penchant for quotes and one of the things I loved about both these books were that they were full of quotable sentences, many of them so good that they could be put on posters and hung all around so that you could read them over and over again. So when Priya Kumar launched her book of quotes, I had to get it!

There are two unique features about Thinking Aloud:

1. It’s not a collection of quotes by different people but all original quotations by the author herself;

2. There is short introduction before every section, where Priya gives you a peek into the ups and downs of her life. She shares with the reader incidents from her life that have taught her something valuable. She talks about her fears, her follies and her heartbreaks and how she bounced back from each setback, stronger and wiser than before.

The book has sections on love, courage, money, humour and more. It’s not a book that you may want to read at one go, but something that could be placed at your bedside or work desk, even as you can keep going back to it for inspiration and wisdom

To give you taste of what’s in there, sample these two quotes from the book:

On love: I love you means that I will contribute to your sanity and stability and protect you from my own idiosyncrasies.

On winning: Before you celebrate your victory, chart your next vision. The best time to create a powerful and confident vision is right after one sees success.

With this book, Priya has thought aloud for all of us—it is up to us to listen.

Grazilia Almeida-Khatri
Trained as a physician, Dr Grazilia Almeida-Khatri is a health and wellness consultant and helps people reverse diseases via lifestyle changes. She endorses yoga as a way of life and conducts wellness and yoga retreats for individuals and organizations. She is also trained in Pilates by Michael King, who is based in the UK. Dr Grazilia lives in Pune, India and offers consultations in person and online.