Somebody has become a boss because of some qualification more than you. You may believe that you are better than him, but he has gotten into that position because of some qualification, some capability, some influence. something has delivered him there.
Obviously, in some way he is more capable than you. That’s why he got there. You may protest saying, “No, no he has gotten there by corruption.” Okay. But even in corruption, he is more capable. One way or the other, as the social situations may be, in that social situation he is more capable. That’s why he has landed up there. Isn’t it?
Why Boss Is Better
So just because he has landed up there and he is more capable, it does not mean he will do everything right. Nor do you do everything right. Nobody in the world does everything right. So generally, he has landed there because he is supposed to have done more things right than you have. He is supposed to have a better grasp of the situation than you.
Say there is a stenographer who can type very well. If the boss sits to type, he may be a bad typist, but still he is the boss. So the stenographer may think, “that guy can’t even type properly, why is he my boss?’ He is not your boss because he types better than you. He doesn’t know a damn thing about typing. He is your boss because he knows many other things, which you don’t even know exist. Isn’t it?
Do You Have It in You?
So, the question of he being a boss has come with certain capability and with an overall view. Most of the time a boss need not be talented for anything in particular, but he has an overview of everything. He has a way of keeping people together and making things happen.
You may be individually good, but you may not be capable of holding things together. So if you are really good at organizing and holding things together, you will naturally rise in your life, either in this organization or somewhere else, but you will rise. Nobody can stop you.
How to gain power
So, if you are in some position, instead of having a grouse about your boss, you do your job so well, so well, that without you, your boss and your company cannot exist. Make yourself indispensable. With this indispensability, power will come.
Now, in your complaining, you don’t do your full work because you think, “This man is a fool why should I work fully for him?” Now, you are dispensable. Any time the company can drop you or your boss can kick you out. Begin working in such a way that without you, he cannot exist. You are so useful that without you he cannot function, that is the way to grow. It’s not about complaining about somebody—that way you will not grow.
How to Grow
People who have reached the top did not grow because they had a grouse against somebody. They just did their best, that’s why they grew. We do our best, but my best and your best may not be on the same level. According to our capabilities we will grow.
If you are looking at somebody all the time, if you are comparing yourself with somebody, wherever you go there will be somebody above you. You better know that. It doesn’t matter how big you become, still there will be somebody above you. So always you will have a grouse. You will always ask: that man is not as good as me but why is he up there?.
You will always make yourself unhappy wherever you are. Just do 100 per cent of what you can do in that given situation and you will see how you become indispensable both for the company and for the boss and the whole situation. In this you grow. If you have more capability than him, why will the company keep him as the boss? They will make you the boss anyway.
Are You Making a Fool of Yourself?
You are doing everything that you are doing in your life in pursuit of your happiness. In the process of pursuing your happiness, if you are destroying your happiness, you are obviously a fool. You are unfit to be any kind of boss anywhere. Maybe your boss is also a fool. It doesn’t matter, but the important thing in your life is that you don’t make a fool of yourself.
The First Step Towards Becoming a Boss
So the fundamental aspect of spirituality is just this. Before you create an external situation the way you want it, learn to create the internal situation the way you want it. Which way do you want your internal situation?
Happy or miserable? Obviously happy. So first create this because in this internal situation there is only one ingredient: you.
In the external situation there are hundred different ingredients. These hundred ingredients will never be totally in your control. You manage them, control them, marshal them and direct them to some extent. You never have absolute grip over hundred ingredients, which are functioning in the outside situation; but here there is only one ingredient—you. If you cannot manage this one ingredient properly, if I make you the boss, to manage thousand ingredients what will you do?