Understanding School Truancy: Navigating the Reasons and Finding Solutions

School truancy can be a complex issue, but understanding its root causes is key to helping children thrive both emotionally and academically

School teacher making girl write on board:

School truancy is a complex and often misunderstood issue. While the image of a child running away from school may trigger concern and frustration in parents and educators, the reasons behind this behavior are as varied as the children themselves. Whether it stems from an emotional cry for help, a mismatch between a child’s learning style and their environment, or external stressors at home or among peers, school avoidance demands our attention. Addressing the root causes and offering compassionate support can help both children and families navigate these challenges and, ultimately, find solutions that foster growth and learning.

My Daughter Ran Away From School Too Often

There are as many reasons to run away from school as there are children who do it. It’s important to pay attention to school avoidance—it can be a serious cry for help—but truancy is not always as big a problem as parents and educators think it is.

One of my daughters—a curious, sociable, and energetic child—hated school from the age of three, when I enrolled her in nursery school. I worked from home, and she loved spending time there with me. She always had projects of her own that she wanted to work on, and she experienced school as a waste of her time. Her academic skills were advanced for her age, and continued to develop through pursuing her various interests. In kindergarten, she developed a bad case of ‘Monday Morning Sickness’—she’d be great all weekend, then fall terribly ill on Monday morning. If I kept her home from school, she’d be well by 10am, and get progressively ‘healthier’ as the week went on.

The details of my daughter’s school avoidance tactics changed as she got older, until she was truant more than she attended during one year of high school. This was terribly worrying for me, but I’m glad to say that this story has a happy ending. After many years of conflict between us, and countless attempts to find a good solution, she became an enthusiastic and successful university student. Finally, she was able to throw herself passionately into topics she found meaningful, at a depth and complexity she found challenging. Finally school was worth attending.

Understanding School Truancy

Is school truancy about a creative and independent spirit, a bad fit, or simply a cry for help?

In my counseling practice, I’ve worked with many parents who are concerned about a child’s attempts to avoid school, and I’ve learned there are many reasons for running away from school.

Running away from school can involve a bad fit between the child’s temperament or learning needs, and what is being provided at school, as was the case with my daughter. It can involve any one or more of a number of emotional issues, sometimes reflecting worries to do with family problems—divorce, neglect, economic uncertainty, illness or conflict at home. School truancy can also be a way to avoid having to do with social pressures, including bullies and problems with social skills.

One of the most frequent reasons for school avoidance that I’ve seen in my private practice occurs when smart kids have serious learning issues, including attention problems, uneven skill development, learning disabilities.

School truancy issues are highly individual, and reflect particular circumstances. They’re different across children, and they also change over time, as kids develop. Some children run away from school when they’re young, but then later love it, as eventually occurred with my daughter. Others enjoy school when they’re young, but reach a point where they have no time or use for it. Sometimes kids in the latter category are going through a stage where they’re more interested in other things—social, creative, athletic or other interests—and sometimes they’re independent learners, and create alternative educational and career paths for themselves.

While sometimes children run away from school for a relatively simple and benign cause, other times it’s a serious cry for help.

9 Action Tips for Parents Whose Child Runs Away From School

Father and son smiling1. Listen to your child

Ask questions, patiently and calmly, with the focus on understanding what’s happening. Try to look beyond this as a simple discipline problem, the fact that your child isn’t doing what he’s supposed to be doing. Let him do the talking. Listen actively to his answers. Try to remain open to what he’s saying, without judgement or criticism.

2. Do some soul-searching

Are there problems at home that might lead to your child needing more attention than she’s getting? Does she have worries you can help her with? Does she need help with social, emotional, or academic skills? Does she need more focused time with you when you’re not checking your phone or thinking about your next commitment?

3. Focus on collaborative problem-solving

Avoid anger and blame. Don’t stigmatize or punish, your child. Don’t waste your time feeling guilty. Look at the issue as a shared problem, one to address and solve with your child and others, including the child’s other parent, as well as teachers and administrators. Perhaps there are friends or family members who can offer some insight or help, a grandparent, sibling or someone else who knows your child and the situation.

4. Think about simple fixes

Would it help if the early morning getting-ready-for-school routine was made less rushed? Maybe you could get up 30 minutes earlier and have some easy time together before school starts. Would it help if the after-school arrangements were different? Is there anything you can do to smooth the end of the day for your child? How about if you were more actively involved in the school, perhaps doing some volunteer work on a regular basis?

5. Talk to the teacher

How does the teacher see the problem? What strengths and challenges has he or she identified that might lead to your child not wanting to go to school? Does the teacher like your child? When you’re in the school, does it feel like a positive environment for your child?

6. Think about an assessment

Your child may be experiencing a psychological or cognitive problem you’re not aware of, perhaps an undiagnosed attention deficit or learning disability. It can be easier for a child to run than to deal with a circumstance where people are telling him he’s not living up to his potential, where he’s working hard but not getting very far.

7. Look for signs of serious problems

There are many less serious concerns that lead to kids running away from school, but truancy sometimes results from involvement with drugs, alcohol or sexual activity. It can also reflect experiences of bullying and social rejection or neglect, whether from teachers, peers or both.

8. Be creative

Consider changing classrooms or teachers. Think about home-schooling possibilities [which can be done collaboratively with other parents, or as part-time supplements to school]. Explore reducing or increasing your child’s academic load. Think about giving her days off—maybe one ‘mental health day’ for each four or nine days she attends. For some kids, the fact their parents are willing to consider alternatives like these is enough to ease the strain they’re feeling and help them move toward a solution.

9. Give your child as much control over the problem as you can

Do some problem-solving together, and be respectful of the solutions he generates. Work with him so she feels ownership over solutions and a partner in your actions moving forward. Ask he what she thinks will help, and give that a try if at all possible.

Summing Up

Ultimately, school avoidance is not a one-size-fits-all problem, and it’s crucial to approach it with understanding, creativity, and collaboration. By listening to your child, addressing any underlying concerns, and seeking appropriate support when needed, you can help them find a path that works for their unique needs. For some, it may be a phase that passes, while for others, it might signal the need for long-term adjustments. Either way, focusing on their wellbeing and being open to alternative approaches can lead to a more positive outcome for both the child and the family.

Before you go…

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A version of this article first appeared in the July 2015 issue of Complete Wellbeing magazine (print edition).

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  1. Yeah i know kids who ran away from school on their premise that they did not want to be in the home they reside and with the people who they are supposed to live with. There is not book written for situation like ours. the children remained with the people whom they ran to for 8 days, attended school and their guardian did not ever once go pick them up either at lunch or after school – the principal and teachers who were aware of the issue of the running away did nothing – the guardian went to court obtained a suspended access order and still did not pick up the children until the acting principal told the children that she would have to call the police – root cause for alienation – beat this – want a good true story – i have it – one student ended up in a section 23 program and the other continues to be in an iep


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