Water is critical to all life forms and essential to maintain life and health. Hence, it is imperative that we know all about this indispensable source of life. So, how well informed are we about drinking water? Read on to find out…
Eight glasses a day is the essential amount of water for everyone
Fact: The amount of water we should drink depends directly on our size, level of activity, age and other aspects like diet and stress intensity. A person living in a temperature-controlled environment does not require as much water as another doing vigorous physical activity. But, to remain healthy and hydrated, we should consume enough water to restore the quantity we lose each day. This amount varies from person to person, depending upon an array of factors such as age, physical condition, level of activity and climatic situations. The “8-10” glass per day “compulsory drinking” is just a baseline – not a decree… It only makes sense to boost consumption of water during periods of increased physical activity or other physical stress.
Mineral water is better than ordinary water.
Fact: We absorb most of our minerals from plant material [green leafy vegetables]; not from water. In due course, ingesting large amounts of inorganic minerals from other sources may cause health complications.
You can blindly trust home water-treatment device to make tap water safer and healthier to drink
Fact: People use water filters at home to improve the taste, smell and appearance of water. But, all this does not imply that the water thus obtained is safer and healthier to drink. All home treatment devices require customary maintenance checks from time to time. If the maintenance factor is ignored, water quality problems arise again.
Bottled water is invariably safer than tap water
Fact: Not necessarily. Studies reveal that microbes may grow in the bottles while they are on the shelves of the grocer’s store. One needs to be watchful of such bottled water and stick to brands that you trust.
Drinking excessive water helps clear out more toxins
Fact: The kidneys filter toxins from our bloodstreams. The toxins, then, are cleared through urine. Drinking large amounts of water tends to reduce the kidney’s ability to function as a filter. It’s a subtle but a definite decline. When we consume more water, all we do is produce more urine, but not more toxins in the urine.
Drinking huge amounts of water guarantees healthier skin
Fact: Adding a few extra glasses of water to an already water-rich diet has limited effect. It is a fact that water increases capillary blood flow in the skin – though it is unclear whether these changes have clinical significance too.
Guzzling gallons of water definitely results in weight loss
Fact: It is believed that drinking water is a supportive tool for dieters. It is devoid of calories and therefore with it, we can keep our mouth busy. But, it is certainly not a magic potion.
Water definitely is revitalising and stimulating. But, don’t unnecessarily compel yourselves to guzzle down glasses after glasses – think before you drink!