Nothing derails a great day faster than the realization that you have eaten too much or too quickly and ended up with an active, angry stomach. We’ve all been there, even though we don’t like to talk about it in polite society. Gas, bloating, indigestion, and acid reflux are all such a pain!
These problems not only cause real discomfort in our daily lives, but also embarrassment when people hear the rumblings in our stomachs or see how bloated we are. Knowing what causes these eruptions and how to deal with them quickly and effectively can mitigate the damage and get you moving in a positive direction faster.
When the upper gastrointestinal tract fills with gas, this causes a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, which can also lead to stomach pain, hardness, or a feeling of the stomach being in knots. Bloating is caused when too much air gets in the gastrointestinal tract and is not expelled from burping or flatulence. Common causes include chewing gum, eating too fast, and eating too much. Additionally, bloating is often exacerbated by a sensitivity to common foods like fructose, lactose, gluten or eggs. To avoid bloating, sugar alcohols should also be avoided, along with foods like broccoli, beans and onions.
Being bloated is so uncomfortable and causes you not to look and feel your best, but there are a few quick fixes. Drinking water is helpful, as well as eating peppermint or drinking peppermint tea. Moving your body gently will also help counteract the bloating. Activities such as taking a walk or doing yoga help to alleviate the discomfort.
Although people like to pretend it doesn’t happen to them, everyone experiences gas. What was funny in a seventh grade math class, though, is mortifying as an adult. Flatulence is caused by an excess of gas in the digestive track, which cannot be expelled by burping. It can be caused by chewing gum, smoking, overeating, carbonated beverages, or eating very gaseous foods. When the small intestines aren’t able to break down certain foods like fibers or sugars, they are released as gas. Like bloating, gas can be caused by a reaction to foods such as fructose or lactose. And certain vegetables are known for causing gas, like beans, broccoli and brussels sprouts.
To counteract gas after it happens, sipping on ginger or peppermint tea would help. Applying a heating pad to your stomach, drinking apple cider vinegar, and eating probiotics will also assist.
Dyspepsia, the formal name for indigestion or upset stomach, is a feeling of intense fullness right after eating. Symptoms include gas and bloating, an acid taste, and a feeling of burning. Indigestion is also a symptom of other conditions such as ulcers or gallbladder disease. Indigestion can be caused by these underlying diseases, like thyroid disease stomach infections, or irritable bowel disease (IBS). It is also caused by too much alcohol or food, excessive use of painkillers like aspirin, and any stressful activities that contribute to a tense lifestyle.
Like gas and bloating, indigestion can be alleviated by ginger or peppermint teas, and drinking apple cider vinegar. A mixture of warm water and baking soda would also help neutralize the acid. Chewing fennel seeds and licorice root is another proven home remedy. The best thing to do is to avoid indigestion before it starts, by staying away from excess alcohol and fatty foods, and by reducing stress in your life.
Acid reflux
Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GerD) is a disquieting digestive issue, which occurs when stomach acid leaks back up through the esophagus after food is swallowed. Symptoms include regurgitation and a feeling of heartburn, and excessive burping There are many causes of acid reflux, but one of the big ones is lying down right after a meal. Overeating or being obese can lead to acid reflux as well.
Adjusting your lifestyle is the best way to counteract acid reflux. For instance, avoid eating right before bed, stay away from overeating in general, and stay clear of excessive use of alcohol or painkillers. When acid reflux does strike, using over-the-counter antacids will combat the problem.
Constipation is the inability to make more than three bowel movements a week, straining when you have to go, and a general feeling of discomfort like you have to go more. This is caused when material moves slowly through the colon, the large bowel. People who eat a diet with little fiber are more prone to constipation.
There are some natural ways to combat constipation. By eating more whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, you can add more fiber to your diet. Walking and other gentle exercise also helps to keep your body more regular. And finally, drinking water every day will definitely help your digestive system to work more efficiently.