Reader testimonials for Content in Complete Wellbeing

Feedback from a few readers and subscribers of Complete Wellbeing

Complete Wellbeing Jul 14 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jun 14 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing May 14 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Apr 14 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Mar 14 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Feb 14 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jan 14 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Dec 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Nov 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Oct 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Sep 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Aug 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jul 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jun 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing May 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Apr 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Mar 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Feb 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jan 13 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Dec 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Nov 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Oct 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Sep 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Aug 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jul 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jun 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing May 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Apr 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Mar 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Feb 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jan 12 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Dec 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Nov 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Oct 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Sep 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Aug 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jul 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jun 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing May 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Apr 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Mar 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Feb 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Jan 11 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Dec 10 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Nov 10 cover snapshot
Complete Wellbeing Oct 10 cover snapshot

Saved me trips to the psychologist
Dear Manoj
Just a quick note to say thank you for putting your thoughts down in your magazine .. It has many a times truly inspired me and given me new vigour to experience life.
I have been reading complete wellbeing for over a year [after severe coaxing by my dad—who is a fan too] and I must say it has saved me trips to the psychologist.
I am going through a very challenging time of my life and the articles in your magazine give me the strength and tools to marvel at life even though it is easy to get bogged down with the stress
Your article “A Cloudy Lesson” in the April ’14 issue prompted me to write you and express my gratitude. Thank you for reaching out to so many of us and at least making my life easier to live. My grandad always said that the success of one life is measured by how he makes others’ lives easier to live. Judging by that measure, I must say you are a very successful man.
God bless and keep up the wonderful work

Opening hearts
The cover story ‘The startling physics behind infinite abundance’ (March 2014) was an amazing piece of writing. No one could ever imagine that quantum physics has the answers to the age-old question ‘To what extent should one give?’. Kudos to John David Mann. He has made some hearts open-up for sure!
The sleep special made for a compelling read as well. It is so much important to have good sleep so that you could not only be hale and hearty, it will give you so much confidence in whatever you do as well. You will oozing with energy and it will rub-off where ever you go. Roli Gupta has definitely done her home work before writing this article.
—Srinath H R

Feeds the mind and soul
Who would have ever imagined that a monthly magazine in India would arouse interest and be eagerly awaited for in Swaziland, Southern Africa? Thanks to technology and a monthly subscription on the Zinio app,it is delivered straight to my iPad..refreshing, enriching articles that feed the mind and soul from month to month. November issue was no exception, I had to pass the compliments because you outdo yourselves every month I’m actually looking forward to a renewal of my subscription. Thanks a million for this breath of fresh air…
Kingdom of Swaziland,
Southern Africa

CW is a gift
Dear Manoj
I got my November issue today. You may be surprised. A subscriber from the Philippines? Yes I am, and intend to be one for as long as possible. I am able to subscribe because of the wonders of today’s technology. Particularly I have Zinio which allows me to choose to subscribe to my chosen magazines from all over the world.
I totally understand that your magazine will have to be written with your primary audience in mind. And that would be your subscriber base in India. But what you write about speaks to all souls, all minds and all hearts. You can definitely have a global reach if your magazine chooses to be one.
But I am veering away from why I wrote. I just want you to know that out of all the magazines I subscribe to—it is only the Complete Wellbeing Magazine’s editorial that I read before I delve into the magazine itself. It’s like getting a gift each month and the editorial gives me a clue to what awaits after I have peeled off the wrapping.
I look forward to all the future issues to come. As I said, it’s like getting a gift from the mailbox each time.

Addicted to online and print articles
When I bought the last issue…I ended up getting fascinated towards the Buddha picture and singing bowl. I landed up buying these. You hardly spend on articles which are just feel good factors, comforting…And Complete Wellbeing does this to you. I am addicted to the articles online as well as in print. The glossy pages, amazing pictures and beautiful as well as meaningful write up make it an awesome combination. Thank you!

Magazine provided me with my answer
I congratulate your team for being able to touch so many lives so beautifully in the form of this magazine. I am in love with your magazine because it just came before me naturally and provided me an answer, which I have been asking since long. Your magazine with the specific page flashed just before me as though it was meant only for me and so it was there. I want to share my experience. I am an Art of living follower and I practise pranayam, kriya and yoga everyday. I had this question in my mind more strongly “What is the purpose of my life” I felt am I of use. I am not able to contribute much though I wish to, since I am preoccupied with work. I happened to see my sister on a lunch date and find your JAN 2013 volume in her hands… I just opened the magazine and I read your cover article ‘Live a life of purpose’ and instantly I felt as though God whom I believe is in every atom and space around me was actually talking to me. Thanks for this beautiful experience. I am grateful to your team. YES I AM HERE FOR A REASON… Your magazine is also very well arranged with information. The information is very crisp and good to know. THE OUTCOME TELLS ME that a lot of hard, sincere and meticulous efforts are put in. Lots of love to all in your team.

First experience of reading was awesome
Hi sir… this is Avinash… just wanted to let u know the article published in the magazine dated Feb ’13 was awesome….I just happened to pick up the magazine for the first time and was highly impressed by it… hope to continue reading the magazine… thanks for the enlightening words.
—Avinash Gehi

Magazine covers physical and mental health aspects
I have always enjoyed reading your issues. They have both aspects of Health—physical as well as mental. Both being very important, one complimenting the other. It covers the foods to consume and ways to take them and that too in the best possible manner. And also, the foods to avoid. Also, the physical activities to indulge in. thanks for helping me regarding health issues.
—Sunil Kumar Hemnani

Articles restore my positivity
I read your article “In the eye of the beholder” and found the problem discussed as very common among people I interacted with. They always think that the world is bad and that things would not turn up in their favour. Negative thinking has become a habit and it was once a problem with me as well. But as a voracious reader when I came across many self-help and motivational books, things started to change slowly and I began to look at the positive side of everything. However, when I meet people, they say I am innocent and impractical, unable to see the traps ahead. Most of the time their suggestion do no harm, but there are instances when their negativity pours in and makes me feel the fear again. I found your article very enlightening and the words encouraged me to believe that positive thinking is after all not so bad. I look forward to reading more such articles which not only encourages, but makes one think deep about oneself.
Thanks & Warm Regards,
—Pooja Dubey Srivastava, Mumbai

Hello and greetings from Greece!
I found out about Complete Wellbeing magazine by chance in a hotel in Maldives and I wanted to congratulate you on the wonderful job that you are doing. I really enjoyed reading it. I even went online to make a digital subscription but it doesn’t allow me to proceed since I do not have a billing address in India. If you have any recommendations please let me know.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
—Noni Papastefanou

The magazine has got a revelation
I am late to write to you, because I was sleeping happily! 🙂 Jokes apart, March 2013 issue must have brought in a revelation for a section of readers like me who often undervalue sleep. The special supplement on sleep was an interesting one. Of course, the mystic world that Anita Moorjani refers to in the cover story is one of its kind. I must mention that I liked Rx: Empathy by Steven Kussin too. Look forward to an equally brilliant compilation next month. Thank you.
—Arun Dash, Hyderabad

A daring and bold magazine
One word that always comes to mind when I think of Complete Wellbeing is ‘intriguing.’ I feel that one needs to be daring and bold to base a magazine on aspects like life and spirituality. In your magazine, the balance between such stories and lifestyle stories come across like a natural flow, without one disturbing the other.
I particularly enjoyed reading the March 2013 Cover story. In the interview, when the Anita Moorjani talks about her near death experience and how she saw the doctors and nurses running helter and skelter trying to save her life while she was lying life-less, a shiver runs down the reader’s spine.
It is also backed by the thought, that why in life must we and our loved ones suffer, and that too to such an extent?
Life in this world is limited; one can’t be sure if one will live until tomorrow. We human beings can see neither something as close as our own eyelashes, nor something as far as the sun; likewise we do not see the good that exists in our own hearts.
Also I’d like to add that we see so many inspirational case-study stories, but the way this interview was written and narrated, it is truly unique and touching. This article also makes me ponder, whether Anita has entered that realm or space of ‘true happiness’ one that we are not even aware of. I define true happiness as a state of being free from fear, insecurity, guilt, regret and without a fear of death. However, with the philosophy I follow—karma is something I am made to/or actually do believe in. So, when Anita says “You cannot take what you have here into another realm” I believe in it partly. What I mean by that is, our fame, social status, wealth may not come with us in the next life, but the good and bad deeds we do surely will. I would take back this line from the interview, which I think I need to seriously implement “The most important thing, says Anita, is to enjoy yourself and not take yourself or your life to seriously.” The part of being in non-duality and then in the other realm really sheds so much light and dispels a lot of confusion as to why we exist! Ultimately, I feel whatever experience we may have; our minds are not attuned to comprehend the nature of life.
—Romil Zaveri, Mumbai

Enjoy reading the magazine
I enjoy reading your magazine, it’s simply great! I loved Dada Vaswani’s article in the Feb 2013 issue and also the article on benefits of pets by Mithi Chinoy. My youngest daughter too is fond of pets and had got home a pair of rabbits. I also liked Manoj’s article on ‘Role Models’. Keep it up.
—By Germaine Carvalho, Mumbai

Articles restore my positivity
I read your article “In the eye of the beholder” and found the problem discussed as very common among people I interacted with. They always think that the world is bad and that things would not turn up in their favour. Negative thinking has become a habit and it was once a problem with me as well. But as a voracious reader when I came across many self-help and motivational books, things started to change slowly and I began to look at the positive side of everything. However, when I meet people, they say I am innocent and impractical, unable to see the traps ahead. Most of the time their suggestion do no harm, but there are instances when their negativity pours in and makes me feel the fear again. I found your article very enlightening and the words encouraged me to believe that positive thinking is after all not so bad. I look forward to reading more such articles which not only encourages, but makes one think deep about oneself.
Thanks & Warm Regards,
—Pooja Dubey Srivastava, Mumbai

Rich content, glossy design
I think your magazine is excellent. Both in production value and content, your issues are interesting, informative and beautifully framed. The design is wonderful, glossy and rich.
—By Steven Kussin, USA

Most impressed with the magazine
I have been reading the Feb issue and was most impressed with the magazine. I particularly appreciated the comment in the cover story by Martin Brofman that said if we are more interested in giving advice than the person listening to us then the advice is most likely for ourselves. How true! [and how difficult to accept]
—Karen Sivan, Bangalore

Dear Manoj,
I am late to write to you, because I was sleeping happily! 🙂 Jokes apart, March 2013 issue must have brought in a revelation for a section of readers like me who often undervalue sleep. The special supplement on sleep was an interesting one. Of course, the mystic world that Anita Moorjani refers to in the cover story is one of its kind. I must mention that I liked Rx: Empathy by Steven Kussin too. Look forward to an equally brilliant compilation next month.
Thank you.
—Arun Dash, Hyderabad

A revolution in my DNA
The articles in your magazine have amazingly inspired me to transform myself and bring a revolution in my DNA. Indeed, it makes me happy at heart! And my peers in my office have also noticed that I speak very courteously and humbly with everyone. They surprisingly questioned me, how can I take telemarketing calls with politeness?
Let me credit my sincere thanks to your publication house and to all your employees/partners working for it.
—Neeraj Kapoor, New Delhi

Harmonious with its name
I am a subscriber of your magazine and usually go through its contents to learn the topics covered and read whatever
interests me. I congratulate the Editor on being the mind behind this great magazine. The contents of the magazine are in harmony with the name ‘Complete Wellbeing’ and are insightful, of high importance and shed enough
light on the mind behind it. The magazine can bring a lot of positive difference in the lives of many. I thank you on behalf of humankind & urge you to continue your endeavor of spreading wellness and happiness in the world.
You are doing great. Just KEEP IT UP! Thanks.
—Rohan D’Souza, Mumbai

A competitively priced top class magazine
I was introduced to your magazine in 2008. I was so impressed with its presentation and well balanced contents that I subscribed to the magazine and also gifted a 3 years subscription as a birthday gift to my friend in Delhi. I have read every issue cover to cover thereafter. The magazine is a valuable source of information. The-articles appeal to readers of all ages across all sections of society. The editorial is eloquent and the section ‘Life is Beautiful’ -both by Editor Mr. Manoj Khatri, always carry inspiring messages. The ‘Transform ‘section is wisdom distilled. I have gained many spiritual insights by reading Osho and Dada Vaswani‘s thoughts here. The articles on health and nutrition are based on modern discoveries and research in science. They have helped me make many positive changes in my life. The quality of paper used is superb and the printing is very professionally done. The Art Director and the Graphics designer need to be complimented for the covers which are glossy without being needlessly glamorous. Most of all the photographs hold out on their own. Each photo is worth several hundred words. The layout is so streamlined that it is easy to follow every article sequentially. For such a top class magazine it is very competitively priced but all subscribers would appreciate free online access to the digital edition of the magazine in addition to the hard copy. I also keep copies of the magazine for patients in my clinic while they wait for my consultation. I wish the team continued success.
—Dr. Vijaya Paranjpe, Mumbai

Hi Complete Wellbeing Team!
Thanks for coming out with amazing articles on our WELLBEING every single month of the year! The variety of topics that you cover in the magazine truly reflects the core philosophy of COMPLETE WELLBEING. Yes, I find the content, complete in all aspects with respect to human life. In fact, the very reason i got hooked on to your magazine was the fact that it , kind of , validated some of my half and fully-developed opinions about self discovery , way of dealing with people, leaving me with a “LIKE MINDED” companion. :). All this happened during the phase when i was in the process of coping up with an emotional tragedy in my family so my association with it became all the more special.
What I like the most about your work is that your articles covers opinions from well informed, authentic and experienced professionals/spiritual gurus/doctors in an “easy to understand format ” without touching the line of preachiness. As a result, this magazine counts out itself from being tagged as just another boring health magazine. Also, every time i read your magazine, most of the content leaves a meditative effect on my mind there by helping me look at life from various interesting perspectives. I plan to gift it to all my close friends so that they can also get a taste of “better living”:) 🙂 (Have gifted to two of them already! But can’t promise you any permanent readership from them, you know how it is with friends who are not habitual readers. haha!)
Keep up the good work!
—Shikha Sood, Mumbai

Clarity of the content
Dear Grazilia Almeida,
CW came to my notice when I was searching for some good books and magazines at a book store. After reading the content, a few colourful images and cool advices I bought it. I have read completely around 15 CW editions. I loved the title ’COMPLETE WELLBEING.’ And the beauty of CW is that it covers of all the important aspects of Life, which helps the reader to lead a Successful Balanced Life, which is an important key to a happier and healthier Life. Even the images in CW magazine are very optimistic and calm. I almost like every author’s article. And clarity of the content is also appreciable.
All in all this is one of the most amazing magazines I have come across.
All the Best
—Raunak Angarish (Aryan)

The Book of Life
Namaste! I have been reading the Complete Wellbeing magazine for past one year and have fallen in love with it. I call it the ‘Book of Life’ and to become a ‘Complete human being,’ I recommend that every person must read it and implement the learning’s from Complete Wellbeing magazine. Thanks Aasifa for introducing our family to complete wellness through the Complete Wellbeing magazine. Best wishes always to ‘Complete Wellbeing’ Team. God bless.
—Kumar Sk.

International standards
I am more than thankful to read the magazine and can confidently say that it equals to any foreign magazine in an actual sense to train and educate people on Wellness in the different aspects of life. I wish to subscribe to the magazine and particularly the articles. The articles from the Jan issue—live life of purpose, what do you notice? and helicopter parents are the very best and most inspiring and encouraging. Thanks and chicest best to you and your magazine.
—Kumar Sk.

Big fan of the magazine
I had read your magazine in 2009 when I was in Mumbai and found copies of the magazine when I visited a hospital. I live in Thailand and I had loved the magazine so much that I had called for all the past issues of the magazine at that time to carry with me when I go back home. I’m still a big fan of the magazine and always pick it up when I come to India. I just recently discovered that it is also available as a digital edition and that’s great news for me.
—Shobha Kapoor, Thailand

Personal counsellor on call
It has been a good experience reading your magazine. You cover a lot of issues that are very day-to-day and important yet somehow nobody discusses them or writes about them. I often feel the need to discuss these issues but I cannot go to a counselor everytime I want to talk about something personal. And often people who are close to you, feel you are making a big thing out of nothing. The topics in Complete Wellbeing are those every human being faces or may face at some time in their life. Be they from any social status. And knowing the suggestions and tips are coming from an expert I feel reassured that I am not the only one with these issues. It’s almost like having a personal counsellor. I have ideas for topics that I think you must cover and I will share them with you.
—Karuna Dedhia, Ahmedabad

Time to try travel
I really liked the compilation in the November 2012 issue. Though it had many celebrities, you had high-lighted the other aspects of their lives from which we could all learn and apply in our lives too. That was really a collector’s issue. I also like your travel articles. I am not much of a travel person, but after reading your articles on travel to different spots in India and abroad I too feel that I should start exploring outside the small world that I have made for myself. If not abroad, I will atleast visit some good spots in India first. I have already started planning for that, but I must say that the inspiration came after reading your magazines.
—Meenakshi Iyer, Coimbatore

A magazine for the readers
I love your magazine and have been reading it since the time you launched it few years ago. It had started as a small baby and now seems to have grown into a very mature and balanced adult. It’s great to know that your team is constantly working at improving the content and presentation of the magazine. It makes the reader feel that you really care about us and have our best interests at heart. Most newspapers and magazines that I read, they are very good in terms of quality when they just launch and over the years they start deteriorating. But it’s good to see that in the case of Complete Wellbeing, you keep doing better with every issue. Hope you grow to leaps and bounds and with you even your reader’s consciousness grows.
—Nikhil Chipte, Mumbai

Work of art
I particularly liked the November 2012 issue [6th Anniversary issue] of Complete Wellbeing. It was very well compiled. In particular, I liked the article on the African safari by Raul Cruz Dias. The Editor and his team are doing excellent work. I also like your new art director. Myself and Dr Minnu feel proud to be associated with CW.
—Dr Rajan Bhonsle, Counsellor and consultant in sexual medicine

Recipes are good but why no money matters
I have been reading Complete Wellbeing since one year and I am very happy with your content and presentation.
I am glad that you have started including recipes in the magazine again. I am very fond of cooking and try almost all the recipes that have been featured in your magazine right from the beginning. Cooking is my passion and hobby and I always try and invent new recipes. Especially easy meals for vegans and gluten-free recipes. I don’t like trying recipes that are very fancy and require too many ingredients or apparatus to prepare them. The simpler the better. And that’s what I like about the recipes you publish; they are simple, just like all your other articles. Since a few months you have not covered anything on money or finances. Why is that so? I look forward to reading more on these topics.
— Bhawana Bhanji, Lecturer

God-sent delight
Hi, I am absolutely in love with Complete Wellbeing. I laid my hands for the first time on the October issue and it was such a God-sent. I especially liked the article on stammering. Thank you so much.
— Bageshri Shashank, Reader

My dose of motivation
I think Complete Wellbeing is ‘the best magazine.’ I always buy it because it is very inspiring and keeps me motivated. My best wishes to the Editor.
— Nikhil Kamath, Music Director

Could we have it in different languages?
I am a receiver but not a reader of Complete Wellbeing. That’s because I have subscribed to the magazine for my doctor daughter who lives a little away from us. But truly speaking, I am receiving my monthly dose of enriching and life transforming content with love. I am fond of collecting books and different magazines; I read them whenever I get time. But I find that the advice and suggestions in Complete Wellbeing are practical and useful in daily life. Heartfelt congratulations for publishing such a highly valued magazine. It will be great if you introduce a Hindi edition too. I wish for its prosperity and progress.
— Ravi Rashmi ‘Anubhooti’, Writer and poet

Daily dose of goodness
After my morning cup of ginger tea, the next best thing I definitely look forward to is reading Complete Wellbeing. It is said that ‘Good things come in small packages’. So true… your magazine provides a world of information, knowledge, fun and entertainment—the ultimate guide to a sense of enlightenment—mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Every article is power-packed with easy-to-understand articles for the readers; so captivatingly written by experts and so interestingly edited, with relevant pictures and necessary footnotes.As for the topics discussed, I am amazed as to the kind of dedication and hard-work that goes into covering such a wide canvas related to health, family, travel, spirituality, office culture and so much more. A Big “THANK YOU” to team Complete Wellbeing, for guiding me and many others to successfully explore a magnificent universe deep within us. Keep the good work flowing!!
— Jahnabee Dutta

Inquisitive about the mind
Dear Editor, I have read ‘Life is beautiful’ and I like your ideas and views. Either, because you think positively you are successful or because you are successful you can think positively. But I sometimes wonder how is it for people who struggle everyday in this over crowded city, travelling by public transport at peak hours. Can they always be positive? Today everyone talks about positive thinking, but is it possible for an ordinary man? In the February 2011 issue, I read an article ‘Subconscious healing’ by Sumant Kant Kaul. I want to know more about how our subconscious works and how does it affect us. I also liked your article, ‘A running lesson—how to achieve marathon goals in life.’
— Harsha Kothari

Humour helps
Your September 2012 issue was very good, with its emphasis on humour. I feel some of the best humorous books have been written by PG Wodehouse. The books show how with a little humour, life’s many challenges —like terrible headmasters, annoying bosses, nagging in-laws etc. can all be dealt with grace and elan. I would like to see a ‘Humour corner’ in your magazine as also some reviews of humorous books.
— Pranjal Goswami

Making a difference
To me, your magazine symbolises power—to make a perceptible difference, especially in the lives of women. It makes every woman think and become proactive to her surroundings. There’s a strong feel-good undercurrent running through every issue of the magazine and that is no mean task. You signify wellness of body, mind and soul. The vibrant splash of colours in your magazine coupled with great information on beauty and exercise take adequate care of the physical being.
— G C Amola, via email

Laughter issue was a real cracker
Your Sept issue on humour was splendid. Not only did it make me laugh, it underscored the importance of humour and taught me how easy it is to laugh away one’s worries. Complete Wellbeing rocks!
— Arun Mhaskar, via email

Unique stumble upon
One of my friend is a writer for your magazine and I came across a copy at her place. Though I generally don’t read magazines I found this one to be very different and interesting. The advice and suggestions are very practical and refreshing. I could connect them to my life situation. I had the perception that magazines are to read when you have nothing else to do, like when at the salon or doctor’s clinic. But Complete Wellbeing changed that perception.
— Seema Jain, via email

Expert opinion
Complete Wellbeing, true to its name, covers articles dealing with all pertinent issues that we face in life. It’s amazing how you guys manage such varied topics every time. Your covers are very innovative and pleasing to the eye and I’m proud to be a subscriber of this top-class magazine. One suggestion is to have a regular column in your magazine where the readers can send in their queries to be answered by your writers. Since you have so many esteemed experts writing for you, it would be a great help to us readers if we could have their perspectives on some issues that we may be facing. Keep up the good work!
— Kishore Mehra, via email

Makes us rethink our perspective
Complete Wellbeing really takes care of all aspects of a human being—spiritual and physical. Very informative articles—sure to make us rethink our perspective on issues of everyday life.
— Neeru Malik Shrivastava via Facebook

Mindfulness article caught my attention
It was just a matter of chance that I got hold of your August issue. I was highly impressed with the refreshingly new topics that this magazine covers. The article on ‘Mindfulness’ caught my attention. Although we all know the importance of staying in the present moment, we also know by experience how difficult it is to remain in this mental state for any reasonable length of time. I have tried several ‘tricks’ to help me with this…one of them which I have found most effective is Rajyoga meditation. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts on this very important subject, both through the ‘Editor’s insights’ and the splendid article by Dr Charles Tart. Looking forward to your upcoming issues and articles to provide more ‘food for thought’
— Jagdish Shah via email

It’s not just about health tips
To me Complete Wellbeing is not just a magazine that publishes health tips, but one that is bringing about a change in the society and in the system. Though I did not attend the free yoga session Complete Wellbeing had organised in Mumbai, I liked the idea and it made me feel confident that you guys are not in it just for monetary benefits but driving home the awareness to readers, as well as non-readers of your magazine. Further, I like your revamped website as finding articles is much easier now—a feature that is not present on websites of other magazines. I consider Complete Wellbeing as my well wisher. One suggestion, I would like to see you conduct roadshows as well as sessions at schools and colleges to spread the awareness among youth.
— Neeraj Kapoor via Facebook

Makes you think
Once in a while there comes a magazine as inspiring and motivating as Complete Wellbeing. Its contents are educative—they make you get up from your comfort zone. Above all, they make you think. Today’s world needs to understand the importance of mindful living. Thank you for taking this huge step forward.
— Manjushree Ankolekar, Mumbai, via sms

Doctor’s approval
I am a happy subscriber of Complete Wellbeing. The magazine covers all aspects of wellbeing—physical, mental, social and economical in a wonderful manner. I appreciate your team’s editorial skills.
— Ajit Patel, physician, Gujarat via email

Change agent
I have always liked reading your magazine because it kept me well-informed. But since the last few months, this has changed—now, I simply love reading it, because it helps me transform as a person. I have noticed that the articles are now deep and that appeals to someone my age [I’m almost 60 now]. The magazine now is at another level much above many other magazines in the market today. Frankly, I don’t think there’s any other magazine we can compare it to. Another change I have noticed is in the look and feel—it has become so international, especially the covers. Can’t wait for the next issue.
— Aruna Desai, Pune, via telephone

A rare delight
CW is a rare publication that involves me. It helps me to be comfortable with who I am—body, mind and soul. While there is enormous information out there to make sense of the world, CW is a gem, which helps me look within. The breadth and depth of articles have moved me to introspect, make peace and move ahead—Team CW, thanks for this priceless product. I look forward to it every month to lose…and then find myself. Time slows down…wow!
—Dnyanesh Bhatavadekar, Mumbai, via email

Special compliments
My family and I read Complete Wellbeing religiously every month. And we’ve preserved every issue since the inception of the magazine. Your content team delivers information that is superior to other magazines. We love to read the articles again and again. I am sure the content adds as much value to other readers as it does to my family and me. It is an enlightening magazine.
— Sopan Upadhyay via email

A healthy dose
I remember how, as a kid, I used loved to be back home from school to have the mango shake my mother would keep ready for me. It would feel great and would look forward to it each day. That’s exactly how I wait for the new issue of Complete Wellbeing. For me, Complete Wellbeing is a rich source of inspiration and motivation. Once I gifted a copy to a doctor friend. He called me after a few days and said, “Apart from being a good doctor, Complete Wellbeing has made me a complete human being!”
— Naeem Gadoo, via email

My stress busters
Sathya Saran’s tips [‘Chill Pills’ April 2012] are remarkably inviting. I have added them to my wish list [including the trip to Ireland].
My experience in dealing with office or domestic stress involves stimulating the other side of the brain. Singing, drawing, puzzle solving, writing, computer programming are immersing activities, known to have a soothing effect. A well-known trainer even advocated learning juggling for this purpose. The trick, however, is to take up these activities curiously and seriously. It is then that the thrill of discovery diverts attention and has a remarkable therapeutic effect.
— Raghavendra Rao, Secunderabad, via email

Simply perfect!
I have loved each and every issue for the last four years. And if anyone asks me to pick a single issue as the best one, I won’t be able to do it, for the fear of being partial with the other issues. They are all good. The knowledge that the Complete Wellbeing gives every month is ideal. No more, no less. I have noticed that quite a few readers request you to add articles by their favourite spiritual teachers in the magazine. I feel you shouldn’t do it. I love the magazine for the way it is—a perfectly balanced source of information on life. In my opinion any tampering with the content will spoil the balance. I love the new design and the use of illustrations from time to time. The previous design was also different, but boring. How about considering bringing out the magazine in a slightly smaller size? That way it will fit into any mid-sized bags. The present size is good too, but I need a large bag to carry it when travelling. But don’t make it too small, I love to carry it openly and proudly in my hands, showing it off.
— Sanchari Bakshi, Mumbai, via email

Isn’t it a health magazine?
I love reading articles on self help and positivity and I hope you carry more such articles. The design is classy. And the concepts are good, especially the Snakes & Ladders issue [November 2011 issue]—I think it was brilliant! Although articles on Yoga and nutrition are great, I feel you shouldn’t include articles on finance in the magazine. Isn’t it a health magazine?
— Nishit Savani, via, email
Editor’s reply: As the name suggests Complete Wellbeing is a wellbeing magazine…it doesn’t just focus on health. Health is only a part of wellbeing, which covers all aspects of an individual’s life. And finance affects a person’s wellbeing as much as health does. When a person is facing financial problems, he cannot experience peace and happiness. Hence Complete Wellbeing covers money and related issues.
— Ed

I feel happy that there are magazines like Complete Wellbeing. I have subscribed to the magazine since the last six months and I am impressed by the nice content that is presented in a simple manner. Being a practising physician makes it easy for me to understand articles related to physical health. But I also enjoy the other wellbeing topics. Thanks for all that. I think this magazine is always fresh and never gets old. I am so impressed by the magazine that I would like to keep a collection of the issues from the last 2 —3 years. Is it possible?
— Ajit Patel, Gujarat, via email
Editor’s reply: It feels nice when readers ask us for back issues. It is a testimony to the effectiveness and timelessness of the content. Our team will be in touch with you to help you get the issues. Keep reading and writing back with your comments and suggestions.
— Ed

A firm foundation
Whenever I read something I really enjoy, I thank the Almighty for making me capable of enjoying mankind’s most prized possession—reading. Every single page of your magazine carries with it a meaning and a goal to achieve. Complete Wellbeing helps improve oneself. Its supports the maxim that a person standing with the help of crutches can never be stronger than one who is standing on his or her own feet. I am sure your readers are standing on the firm ground laid by your magazine, without any threat of becoming unbalanced ever.
— Rehana Khatri, Mumbai, via email

Soul station
The article, ‘Yercaud— The Soul Station’, provides a good overview about the place’s serene ambiance. I’m always on the look out for destinations that provide an alleviating experience and allow one to spend quality time with oneself. This place shall definitely go into my travel itinerary. You might also cover Ramanashram in Tiruvannamalai, Dhyanalingam in Coimbatore and Shravana Belgola in Hassan—these places provide immense meditative experience.
— Pradeep via email

Osho meditations please
This is the first time I bought Complete Wellbeing and was surprised to see an article by Osho in it. I want to suggest that you introduce a column on Osho’s meditation techniques every month. The techniques are helpful and their benefits are scientifically proven. They help people live healthy and conscious lives. If you wish, I can help you explain some of the techniques to your readers. Many people just live life unconsciously. They are just concerned with earning money, forgetting body and mind. As a result, diseases start affecting their bodies once they are in their 30s and then their money is spent on doctor’s bills. Osho’s techniques will teach the right way to live life.
— Ravinder Ramini via email

Keep them coming
I have been reaping multiple benefits from your magazine. I really liked the April issue as it struck a perfect balance between amusement and awareness. Considering our lifestyles, we hardly pay heed to our health. CW is superb, both in content and get up. Its uniqueness lies in how all the articles together create a thematic story board of ideas. It is refreshing and delightful to read articles and features on varied and diverse topics that are relevant to life. The easy-to-follow tips mentioned are useful. Sections like Decide, Resolve, Manage, Explore and Transform are informative. Trending this month—‘In praise of Leisure’ was a gem by Al Gini…slow down was the mantra it offered.
— Yogesh Kacker, New Delhi

Cover comments
The cover of the March 2012 issue was stunning. Inside too, the images used were high class and apt to the content, which was smartly chosen. This is by far the most outstanding issue!
— Milind Vartak, Honeycomb Communications

Please write about HSPs
The answer by Minnu R Bhonsle in the ‘Agony Aunt and Ecstasy Uncle’ column was an eye-opener for me. It helped put things in perspective. I have read a lot of books and online resources to come to the same conclusion. I have something to add too. You might have already heard about Highly Sensitive Person [HSP]. I am an HSP and I think the person asking the question in this section is also an HSP. She will benefit by reading the books The Highly Sensitive Person and The Undervalued Self, both by Elaine Aron. Could you also let the person who’s asked the question know about HSPs and the book by Aron? In fact, why don’t you publish an article on HSPs in your magazine? It would be a great help to many HSPs as there is little awareness about high sensitivity in India. After all, 15 – 20 per cent of the population can be classified as HSP.
— Kiran Kondru via email

A friend in need
I have never been a health-conscious person. It was only after I was admitted in the hospital that I realised how important health and fitness are and how our careless attitudes towards ourselves makes us pay a huge price. I came across your magazine during my hospital stay. It was exactly what I needed—a complete package of information for a holistic and healthy lifestyle. I refer to some articles again and again and have implemented most of the guidelines in my lifestyle.
— Nutan Kaviskar

Mother of guilt
The article ‘Mother of Guilt’ by Anuradha Ramachandran reminds me of the time when my husband had gone abroad. During that time, my son would throw tantrums and get angry. I too used to yell at him. He missed his dad; and anger was his way to vent. I used to feel lonely and frustrated. I realise that if I would have learned meditation, perhaps, it would have helped me calm my son and give him more love, which he needed. Though now we have a great bonding [He is 17 now], I still regret the way I handled him then. Another article I liked in the February 2012 issue is what to do when you receive the silent treatment by Wayne C Allen; it’s a good article. ‘Puzzled by health advice’ by Grazilia Khatri was quite informative too. I also enjoy reading ‘Wellbeing is Fun’.
— Darshna Shah, Mumbai

Reading it and loving it
I am glad to admit that now I have become a regular reader of your magazine. What I hadn’t expected was the wonderful amount of information in it that’s relevant for my health. It is general knowledge and I am now more aware about my health. Congratulations on yet another inspiring issue. The issue [February 2012] was an eye-opener for me. All the articles are well put together and innovative—Complete Wellbeing brings up India’s best.
— Lilly Kutty via email

Spare me the news
I support Manoj’s views on shunning the habit of starting the day with a newspaper [“Calibrate it right”, Complete Wellbeing February 2012]. Since a few days, I had been avoiding reading it on my way to work but couldn’t make out why I was doing so. I now know the reason behind me unconsciously skipping the same. The article mirrored my thoughts. I find my mornings to be peaceful and happy these days. I haven’t lost anything by being ignorant of the scams/crimes/politics. On the contrary, it has done me a world of good! Another article I benefited from was “A bowl full of health” by Gitanjali Gurbaxani—the recipes shared in it were simple and perfect for a beginner like me.
—Andrea I Menezes, via email

A different angle
While I liked the January 2012 issue a lot, I found the article, “Cold Calling?” on winter by Ramanjit Singh Paik a tad negative compared to the majority of wellness-focused articles you carry in Complete Wellbeing.
— Madhurima Bhatia, New Delhi

Many likes and a request
I liked the articles “20 Questions on Healthy Eating” by Radhika Karle-Ghorpade, “Tend to your Body Temple” by Dada J P Vaswani and “Make it Work Across Miles” by Mark D White. My husband works in the USA and we meet only once in four months when he comes to India. We do not have quantity time, but we always try to spend quality time together. I also liked “Nurture like Nature” by Manoj Khatri—children should be motivated. They should be given proper nutrition and mental peace and should be allowed to select a career of their interest when they grow up. Parents should not pile on their wishes or views on them. Only then can they study with interest and make a good career ahead.
Can you please publish an article on how neem leaves are beneficial for health and also one on natural remedies for piles?
— Darshna Shah, Mumbai
Editor’s reply: Thank you for the encouragement and feedback. Neem is a great herb with many health benefits and we have already covered an article on it. You’ll find it on our website, Incidentally, we’ve also shared home remedies for piles with our readers earlier. That article too [Piles: No Easy Way Out] is available on our website. Keep writing in with your suggestions.
— Ed

A healthy resolution
To begin with, the cover page of your January issue is beautiful. It’s what made me pick up the issue and go through it only to conclude that I have been missing out on a great magazine for a long time now. One of my New Year resolutions is to subscribe to Complete Wellbeing.
—Sabina Bhanpurawala, Mumbai

Change cannot be forced
This is regarding the informative article “Change Made Easy” [January 2012]. I feel that a person changes when he has conceived the ideas of change by listening or reading about them; never by force or by coercion. However, no one can change a person in the long run. There are findings, which reinforce that a large part of our personalities and our traits are determined while we’re still in the womb. A person’s basic character gets shaped by the time he is 6 – 8 years. But to have cordial relations with all, it’s best to accept a person as s/he is.
I also found the snippet “Working Moms, Happy Moms” [January 2012, Stay-up-to-date section] interesting. Modern mothers encourage their daughters to work outside home. Women now have successful careers. As they are educated, they are able to understand and analyse their children and husband’s feelings and needs. They take timely and correct decisions—be it in the house, business, profession or politics. In fact, often the correct decisions taken by men are based on a woman’s suggestions. A woman has much better foresight than a man. However, a man’s ego prevents him from accepting this.
— Mahesh Kapasi, New Delhi

An eye-opener
The article “The Worst Work Habit” by Priya Kumar in the January 2012 issue lent me an entirely new perspective. So far, I have been treating ‘multi-tasking’ as an important skill that I thought was adding value to my profile. But the article threw light on the darker sides of multi-tasking. It makes sense to address a few tasks from start to finish, one by one, rather than taking up a score of tasks simultaneously without finishing even one in time and with finesse. Of course, how soon you wind up the individual tasks depends on your efficiency. A few other articles that I liked in this issue are: “Make it Work Across Miles” by Mark D White and “Where’s the Problem?” by Ratan Singh.
— Arun Dash, Hyderabad

Collector’s value
I am an avid reader of Complete Wellbeing magazine. It imparts sufficient knowledge to a layman and is written in simple language. I have a complete collection of all the magazines I got so far and it’s a treasure trove, which I refer to often. I even lend magazines to my close friends, who enjoy reading it too. Keep it up.
— Gustad Vankadia, Mumbai

Long live CW
As an avid reader, I must confess that very few magazines are so true to their name as Complete Wellbeing. It’s hard to wait for a month to get the next edition. If health is wealth then, CW is the key to that wealth. But what amazes more is that the horizon of CW stretches far beyond the bounds of a conventional health magazine, encompassing all indispensable elements required to build a healthy body, mind, soul and life. Hats off to CW for being so vibrant, inspiring and complete.
— Jinia Basuli, Mumbai

I recommend CW
I recently went through a copy of Complete Wellbeing’s 5th anniversary issue. It’s really awesome. Few articles that I liked in the issue are: ‘Meet the snakes & ladders of your life’—its scope is remarkable; ‘Traits of extraordinary people’ by Sonali Masih-D’Silva; ‘Meditation brings transformation’ by Osho; and ‘Relationship mistakes women make’ by Rajan & Minnu Bhonsle. The magazine covers all areas pertaining to one’s wellbeing from diet and health to spirituality. There’s also a motivating wellness calendar. For me, it’s a complete health magazine…In fact, I have even recommended it to my family and friends.
— Aasifa Khan, Mumbai

Beware of free advice
This refers to the article, ‘Sleep invasion’ [CW December 2011] by Jennifer Parker. Mostly our dreams reflect the things that go on in our mind—consciously or unconsciously. Sometimes, dreams are unexplainable—we don’t ever recollect thinking such thoughts. Whether one believes in reincarnation or not, dreams are also based on one’s past lives. Life is an outcome of a person’s thoughts. Karma-action is also the result of thoughts. That is why positive and good thoughts result in good actions and dreams, which makes life happier.Further, the article, ‘7 evils of investing’ was informative and interesting. Those who rely on free advice from acquaintances and brokers always pay dearly as it leads to making the wrong investment decisions. Often, brokers suggest only those investments that give them maximum brokerage/commission. Free advice is also not worth because if it goes wrong, no responsibility lies with the consultants.
— Mahesh Kapasi, New Delhi

Money-saver issue
I have saved a couple of thousand rupees by not buying books on losing weight fast. The articles in the December 2011 issue on weight loss came to my aid by helping me understand the mind-body connection. I have already started visualising a slimmer me! I am a complete fan of Complete Wellbeing. I feel that the information in the magazine provides food for thought and touches my soul. In this fast-paced life, our general wellbeing—physical, financial and emotional—depends on our spiritual wellbeing. Spiritual quotient is the new buzzword. My spiritual quotient improves each time I go through articles in Complete Wellbeing. The articles also provide the recipe for happiness and I thank you profoundly for your wonderful work. Just one request: Please include a column on question and answers from readers.
— Prabha Narayan, Mumbai
[Editor’s reply: Dear Prabha,We are glad you feel so dearly about Complete Wellbeing. As for your request, we already have a column, CW Expertise, where we get experts to answer health queries sent by our readers. And from this issue [Jan 12], we are starting a new Q&A column on relationships and intimacy where the doctor couple Minnu & Rajan Bhonsle will answer queries and solve relationship problems.— Ed]

My mother’s memory
In February 2008, when my mom expired, for six months, my mind knew but my heart wasn’t ready to accept that she is no more. I used to feel depressed and lonely. Often, I would hold the phone to my ears, yearning to hear my mother’s voice, and cry bitterly. It was only after I attended an Art of Living course and practised Sudarshan kriya daily that I was able to fully accept reality. I realised then that when one accepts a person or situation as it is, one is able to maintain good mental health. The article by Samindara Hardikar-Samant on denial reminded me of my situation. The other articles that I liked in the December 2011 issue are ‘Eight must-do yoga poses’ by Grazilia Khatri; ‘The tale of a heavy heart’ by Snehal Singh; ’The secret of successful weight-loss‘ by Raeleen Mautner and ‘Kiss cravings good-bye‘ by John Briffa.
— Darshna Shah via email

Oozes positivity
It [Complete Wellbeing] oozes positivity, especially in the way the articles are written. It covers diverse topics to touch your core in the journey to have a fulfilling life. For me, it’s one of the few magazines with a HEART.
—Dimple Wagle via email

A mirror to life
Complete Wellbeing is more than just a magazine with a focus on health, fitness, wellness and healthcare. It is a mirror, reflecting our lives and giving voice to issues and concerns that influence our overall sense of wellbeing.
—Nitu Thakur via email

Complete Wellbeing stretches far beyond the bounds of a conventional health magazine, encompassing all indispensable elements required to build a healthy body, mind, soul and life. It’s vibrant, inspiring and complete.
—Jinia Basuli, Mumbai, via email

A treasure trove
I have collected all the magazines I got so far and it’s a treasure trove, which I refer to from time to time. I even lend copies to my close friends, who too enjoy reading it.
—Gustad Vankadia, Mumbai, via email

Refreshing and delightful
CW is superb, both in content and get up. The uniqueness of this magazine lies in how all the articles together crate a thematic storyboard of ideas. It is refreshing and delightful to read articles, features and write-ups on varied and diverse topics that are relevant to life. The easy-to-follow health tips mentioned are incredibly instructive. Sections like Decide, Resolve, Manage, Explore and Transform are informative.
—Yogesh Kacker, New Delhi

My friend for life!
I came across Complete Wellbeing during my hospital stay. It was exactly what I needed—a complete package of information for a holistic and healthy lifestyle. It provides knowledge about all important aspects of life. I keep referring to certain articles again and again and have implemented most of the guidelines in my lifestyle.
— Nutan Kaviskar, Mumbai via email

Made me aware
Since reading Complete Wellbeing I am more aware about my health.
— Lilly Kutty, Mumbai, via email

Something I’ve been missing
The cover pages of the magazine are beautiful. It’s what made me pick up the issue and go through it only to conclude that I have been missing out on a great magazine for a long time now.
—Sabina Bhanpurawala, Mumbai, via email

Touches my soul
The information in CW provides food for thought and touches my soul. In this fast-paced life, our general wellbeing—physical, financial and emotional wellbeing—depends on our spiritual wellbeing. Spiritual quotient is the new buzzword. My spiritual quotient improves each time I go through articles in Complete Wellbeing.
—Prabha Narayan, Mumbai, via email

I recommend it
The magazine covers all areas pertaining to one’s wellbeing from diet and health to spirituality. I have even recommended it to my family and friends.
—Asifa Khan, Mumbai, via email

All the articles are easy to understand and are on topics that are fresh and not on the done to death.
—Divya Renjen, Bangalore, via email

Simply profound
Gives profound knowledge in simple language.
—Darshna Shah, Mumbai, via email

Powerful messages
There is a lot to take away from articles in Complete Wellbeing. It is simply the best!
—Dennis D’souza via email

Liking it
I have been reading Complete Wellbeing for a while and really like the contents.
— Dr Bharti Aggarwal, New Delhi, via email

Change agent
Complete Wellbeing made me see my life in a new light.
—Chandrika Shetty, Mumbai, via email

A positive addiction
I have always been a spiritually-inclined person with no fascination for exaggerations preached in the name of religion. Therefore, a lot of times when I wanted to put forth my honest views, I thought it best to opt for silence—perhaps because of people’s intolerance towards hearing anything against their views or due to my incapacity to find the right words to express myself at the right time. The first time I read CW, I was shocked. It was like my inner thoughts had found the exact expression. It was my Eureka moment. Every single article is off-beat, off the beaten track, absolutely unbiased and deeply thoughtful. I am a total CW-o-holic. It is impossible for me to pass a month without reading that month’s edition of your magazine.
—Dr Sanchari Bakshi, Mumbai, via email

Loving it
I have been reading Complete Wellbeing for a long time now and love it every bit.
—Rituja Mokal, Mumbai, via email

All articles in the magazine are showstoppers, issue after issue. I feel Complete Wellbeing is a unisex magazine for all ages, which can be trusted across the nation. It is great to curl up with on the bed at the end of a tiring day and drift into a world of lure.
— Ganesh C Amola, Mumbai, via email