How to break the binge eating cycle and get your life back on track

blankDo you ever find yourself guilty of binge eating? If it makes you feel better, you are not the only one. Every person overeats from time to time. When you enjoy certain types of foods, you cannot resist the temptation of gulping down the whole thing. Just so you know, there is a staggering difference between overeating and binge eating disorder. It is okay to have an extra helping at a meal even if you are full. However, if it happens more than once, it is a problem. What do you do if you are on the diet binge roller coaster? The good news is that the condition is treatable. Do not feel guilt or shame about it.

What is binge eating disorder, anyway?

Binge eating is the opposite of anorexia. To be more precise, the person eats large quantities of food and they are not able to stop. They can consume thousands of calories in a short amount of time. While it may be comforting, binge eating leaves you feeling distressed. Feelings of guilt, disgust, and depression usually accompany this episode. Eating disorders run in the family. So, you can blame genetics for the entire ordeal. However, compulsive overeating hides bigger issues. The person is trying to avoid thinking about what is bothering them. People who eat in this way normally struggle with emotional problems.

How to know if you are binge eating

Maybe you do not realise that you have a binge eating disorder. You think that those little episodes of overeating are not such a big deal and carry on with your life as if nothing has ever happened. Unfortunately, you might have a serious problem on your hands. If you do not get treatment for binge eating, it will end up ruining your life. So, how do you know for sure that you have it? If you recognise any of the following symptoms, you might have a binge eating disorder:

  • Eating more food than planned at one meal
  • Consuming large quantities of food when you are not hungry
  • Hiding your eating behaviours from your loved ones
  • Avoiding social situations involving food
  • Checking yourself in the mirror for flaws that are not there

The severity of the disorder is determined by how often the binge eating episodes take place. Unlike occasional overeating, binge eating is dangerous because it can lead to cardiovascular disease. The low self-esteem makes you want to eat even more. If your heart does not let you down, you risk developing diabetes and even cancer. That is something to think about.

How to finally put a stop to binge eating

You are in control of your body, hard as that might be to imagine. The mind controls the body, so the power is yours. If you wish to put a stop to those compulsive eating episodes, you can. Just keep- in mind that it takes a little willpower. If you have reason to believe that you are suffering from a binge eating disorder, these tips will surely come in handy. Read carefully.

Cultivate confidence in the face of challenge

The most important thing you can do to create a fit mind and body is to cultivate your confidence. Instead of avoiding tempting foods or environments, you should better accept the challenge. Do not keep tempting treats hidden in the pantry and do not cross off fast food restaurants from your list. Clearly define a set of rules and make sure to stick to them. The thing is that you cannot avoid temptation forever. Almost all people, places, and situations make binge eating easy. Do your best to fight temptation from within.

Group therapy is an approach that can be extremely helpful for those struggling with binge eating. If you can find a support group, that would be great. However, it is recommended to seek professional help. When therapy is led by a professional, the chances of relapsing are slim to none. Time alone does not help you get better, so do not make the mistake of thinking that this will all go away one day. It is paramount to reach out for help. A therapist teaches you how to avoid fear, doubt, as well as other negative feelings.

Why do you eat so much?

Have you ever stopped to think about it? What is causing your compulsive overeating? Well, if you knew the answer to that question, you probably would not be in this situation right now. Try this exercise: get a notebook and write down your binges for an entire week. This way, it will be easier to determine the root of the problems. Perhaps one of your colleagues said something upsetting. Or perhaps you have problems going on at home. Anything can trigger a binge eating episode. Did you really think they occur all of a sudden?

When you know the real cause of the problem, you can take action and make sure that you do not go through a binge eating episode again. In other words, you can direct your time and resources in the right direction. This is why it is so helpful to keep a food diary. It will help you get a clear picture of what is going on in your life and what had led to the excessive eating. The trigger/ triggers might just surprise you. If you are upset and feel the need for comfort, put on your favourite music or call a friend and let them know what is going on.

Your quest to put a stop to binge eating will be successful, so there is no reason to worry. Do not let this problem haunt your dreams. If you are tired, bored, or sad, do not reach out to food, even if it feels the most natural thing to do. It is not like you have a drug addiction. While it may not be the easiest thing in the world, you can do it. Do not let it get the best of you.