Home 2016



Why you should not trust advice from successful people

Be skeptical of the success tips you receive from those who are successful
Srikumar Rao reveals the surprising simple secret that will make you happy right nowvideo

The surprising simple secret that will make you happy right now

A small shift in your perspective can change your whole life
fork, spoon and knife tied together

Learn the perfect etiquette of fine dining

Whether you're hosting a formal dinner or invited to one, these tips from a master etiquette trainer will help you dine with finesse

Embrace Slow Food

An organic food evangelist tells us about the Slow Food movement and why there is value in eating locally and organically grown foods

Cultivate your magnetism

You don’t need the latest designer outfit or drop-dead gorgeous looks to enhance your magnetism

Minimalism :The joy of stuff-free living

Minimalism is about putting things into perspective so that we don’t end up loving things and using people

Practising authenticity [without annoying]

Authenticity doesn’t mean you have free reign to project all your opinions onto everyone else, says Christine Louise Hohlbaum

Krav Maga: Defence sense

Krav Maga is a form of martial art that teaches you to defend yourself in dangerous situations

How to make hard choices

Big decisions are agonizingly difficult. May be we think about them in wrong way, says philosopher Ruth Chang in her TED talk.
Man showing sign of no using his hands

The gift of a positive no: Saying no without hurting

In order to stand up for what counts, satisfy your needs or those of others, you have to say No to a demand or request that is unwelcome, a behaviour that is inappropriate or abusive, or a situation or system that is not working or not fair.